Welcome to West Jeff baseball

Rec league information

 Registration for our WJBB 2024 Rec League teams, for Pre-K (4 by April 30, 2024) through 8 yr olds (3rd grade), boys and girls, begins January 1. Registration fees are $210 and include uniforms, and game and practice fields; fees go up to $275 after March 1, so please register early. Teams are formed in mid-March according to ages and number of registrants. 

  • 5U T-Ball (4–5 yr olds)
  • 6U Coach Pitch (6 yr olds)
  • 8U Machine Pitch (7–8 yr olds) 

 We next find volunteer coaches and helpers from the parent groups of each team. Practices are determined by coaches, with parent input on what days work best for everyone. Rec league teams typically practice once a week and have one game held at a local field on the weekends, Sundays to start and then Saturdays the last half the season. Practices begin early to mid-April and games start the end of April and go through the end of June. Practices and games are held at Evergreen area fields like Wilmot Elementary, Stagecoach Park, etc. 

                     Never played baseball? Come give it a try! 

                                                                             Click Register button to get started.